Contact Me
Please initially contact me by email. Please include your phone number and a good time for me to call you.
My email address is:
I am located in SW Longmont, Colorado, close to the junction of Airport and Nelson roads.
My hours of business are Monday to Saturday, 10:00 AM to 8:30 PM with my last appointment of the day starting at 7:30 PM.
*Important Caveat – PLEASE READ…..My apologies to those of you seeking healing by any means, including Reiki, but due to current continuing post-pandemic world circumstances, in-person Reiki sessions will be available only to those who remain unjabbed. Remote Reiki remains an available and valid option for people who have had the shots. The reason for this is a continuing large “field of unknowing” around the issue of so-called “shedding,” where a person who remains unjabbed may suffer adverse effects after being in close quarters with someone who is jabbed, and/or has recently received a booster. I am available to share knowledge on this topic by phone, zoom, Skype altho I charge $30 prepaid via PayPal for a half an hour chat. Please inquire if this is something you would like more input on.
Photo by Doe Kelly Copyright 2023
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