Offering You the Magic of Reiki
in Longmont, CO
(And Remote Reiki Sessions, available Locally and Worldwide!)
Reclaim Your Connection to Body, Mind, and Spirit through the Miracle that is Reiki
(*See Important Caveat at Bottom…)
The following is an unsolicited “testimonial” from the family of a client who received Reiki in hospital…
“Hello there! I cannot thank you enough for coming out to the hospital and doing Reiki on my sister yesterday. The results for her were fantastic, right after your session the nurse was amazed her oxygen level was at 99%. Of course also what we were hoping for her bowels did move and she is resting at home this evening! My other sister would like to get one more session for her if you’re able…..Once again thank you so much and I look forward to hearing from you …” KW., Longmont, CO.
for a type of body/energy work that is gentle yet profound, and that can assist in healing not only the physical but the mental, emotional, and spiritual? Something that feels so good to receive yet leaves you far better for having received it. If so, Reiki may be for you.
What is Reiki?
Reiki, or Rei + Ki, loosely translated means “universal life energy” or “universal life force energy.” Many people have some familiarity with words that convey the idea of life energy or life force. Take for example the following words associated with Eastern practices: chi, as in Tai Chi, the prana of yogic breathing practices, and qi, as in qi gong/Chi Kung, an ancient Chinese system for achieving healthy energy flow in the body. Orgone energy, a term for life energy coined in the last century by a most intriguing scientist and student of Freud named Wilhelm Reich, could also be included here. Thus. the idea of an intangible, life-affirming (albeit invisible) energy is to be found within the current, common lexicon.
Reiki, rediscovered in the early 1900s, is a Japanese-derived (yet, to my belief, far more ancient) system of natural healing. Its main focus involves the transmission of healthy energy through the hands. This is done by laying the hands on the body in a specific, systematic set of hand positions, addressing both the front and back of the body as well as any localized “spot fixes” (eg, trouble spots).
Receiving Reiki
A person receives Reiki while fully clothed, generally on a massage table, but may also receive on a chair. or recliner. A bed, a couch, a hospital bed, or even the floor, can also work when doing Reiki (although the comfort and ease of the Reiki practitioner must always be kept in mind). Basically, Reiki can be done at any time, and at any place, and can be done remotely.
Reiki, like many other spiritual and esoteric practices, is difficult to quantify. Nevertheless, in 2007 (according to the International Center for Reiki Training), fifteen percent of U.S. hospitals (over 800) offered Reiki as a regular part of patient services.
What a Reiki Session May Include
My Reiki practice includes dialogue with the client about what is going on, intuitive counseling, where warranted, and coaching if and where needed. I sometimes use divination or oracle cards (Tarot and other) where called for, as well as possible astrological input and / or looking at the client’s Human Design. (Disclaimer: I am not a professional clairvoyant or astrologer, but I am very intuitive, intelligent, and compassionate, with a great sense of humor [and some great astrological software!]; and, I have been actively interested in astrology since my late teenage years. Now my interests and practice include a study and passion for Human Design, which is, in part, calculated the same was as an astrological chart; my background also includes in depth work with belief systems, and breath work, a knowledge of which is valuable in assisting the Reiki in moving energy through the body).
In addition to my Reiki hands and ability to facilitate the movement of emotion and belief, I sometimes use other energy tools, such as instruction in breathing and relaxation, and EFT / Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique), to assist you with your healing intentions and goals. All of the above is supported and infused with the Reiki energy, which, in the Third Degree/Master Level of practice, utilizes healing solutions for body-mind-emotion, and Spirit, and even may assist in clearing past lives and ancestral memory and trauma.
“I have had the opportunity to have several Reiki sessions with Doe Kelly and it is the most wonderfully relaxing, no-stress energy treatment EVER!! She has been particularly helpful in my recovery from intense radiation treatments after being diagnosed with breast cancer. I really needed to relax and her hands did it!! I continue to enjoy a session with Doe every chance I get!” Lynne, Longmont, CO.
What do I charge?
The regular session fee for an approximate one and a quarter hour session:
Session fee incorporation sound healing, tuning forks, and more:
Make an Appointment
If this sounds like it might be for you, please contact me at your convenience.
I look forward to connecting with you!!!!
*Important Caveat – PLEASE READ: My apologies to those of you seeking healing by any means, including Reiki, but due to current continuing post-pandemic world circumstances, in-person Reiki sessions will be available only to those who remain unjabbed. Remote Reiki remains an available option for people who have had the shots. The reason for this is a continuing large “field of unknowing” around the issue of so-called “shedding,” where a person who remains unjabbed may suffer adverse effects after being in close quarters with someone who is jabbed, and/or has recently received a booster. I am available to share knowledge on this topic by phone, zoom, Skype altho I charge $30 prepaid via PayPal for a half an hour chat. Please inquire if this is something you would like more input on.
Top photo courtesy of M. Niehaus, Copyright 2022.
Photo by Doe Kelly Copyright 2023
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