About Me
Warm greetings to you and thank you for visiting my site.
(*All prospective new clients, please see caveat at bottom of page.)
My name is Doe Kelly. I am a Longmont, Colorado Reiki III (Master Level Practitioner) practicing Reiki in southwest Longmont, but also remotely to anywhere in the world. I have a background and life long passion for singing, and a Bachelor’s degree in music and voice performance. During my years on this planet, my mind, heart, and generally curious nature and intellect have caused me to quest, spiritually, to want to experience healing and higher states “from the inside out.” I have traveled both outer and inner realms, delving into spirituality, metaphysics, and the alternative healing arts (including altered state work and mystical experiences). From an unhappy childhood fraught with alcohol and drug abuse and a lot of dysfunctionality by the people around me, I determined early on there was a better way; I have subsequently sought, and often found, the means of achieving a naturally “high” state of mind and Being that is generative of what I would name healing and miracles. As I journey through this world, I continue my quest to know the truth of who I AM as a “divine being having a physical experience.” Reiki, as well as other learnings, based in a knowledge of subtle energy, the experience of the mystical, and a curiosity about the Great Mystery of who we are and why we’re here (and how do we best comport ourselves while we’re here!), remains an important part of that quest for me.
In a Reiki Nutshell
It has been about four decades since I received my first Reiki initiation, not long after Reiki was beginning to gain a toe-hold throughout the western world. Hardly a day has gone by where I have not used this energy. In tandem with a deep dive into breath work and related, intensive spiritual work in the 1980s, Reiki and Grace have led and guided me to a fascinating life (albeit not without challenges). This deep dive has included what I would describe as experiences of spiritual initiation received through the medium of the original rebirthing breathwork of the 1970s and 80s, and via relationships trainings that heavily utilized this type of breathwork. Interestingly, my Reiki training and path began at the same time as my immersion in breath work and relationships trainings. I’m quite certain my Reiki attunements have played a significant part for me on this initiatory path, as have an involvement with Siddha Yoga practices of chanting, meditation, and shaktipat. I must also credit NLP training, and spiritual travels to India, Australia, England, and the U.S., as having played important roles in my soul’s evolution. Additionally, I have a background and experience as a breath and energy worker, a vocal performer, and a spiritual traveler. I am a holistic voice instructor, a promoter of products related to health and wellness (including electromagnetic protection), and consider myself a perpetual student of healing, spirituality, metaphysics, miracles, and happiness! I currently am a passionate student of Human Design, and am an enthusiastic photographer of spiritually oriented (and other) subjects. These include crop circles and sacred sites, as well as subjects that display light/dark contrast, reflections/distortions of various kinds, and beautiful natural settings.
The long and the short of it is – you can come for “just Reiki” and/or we can combine/include various other offerings, mentioned above, infused with the Reiki energy!
If you feel the call of your soul and you resonate with what I have described above, I sincerely invite you to come and experience the rarefied and sublime energy that is Reiki, through my exquisitely sentient, loving, and gentle hands.
*Important Caveat – PLEASE READ: My apologies to those of you seeking healing by any means, including Reiki, but due to current continuing post-pandemic world circumstances, in-person Reiki sessions will be available only to those who remain unjabbed. Remote Reiki remains an available option for people who have had the shots. The reason for this is a continuing large “field of unknowing” around the issue of so-called “shedding,” where a person who remains unjabbed may suffer adverse effects after being in close quarters with someone who is jabbed, and/or has recently received a booster. I am available to share knowledge on this topic by phone, zoom, Skype altho I charge $30 prepaid via PayPal for a half an hour chat. Please inquire if this is something you would like more input on.
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